View of Logan from the lower part of the trail
I had some nice encounters along the trail, including Sagebrush Lizards, a Turkey Vulture and a couple of American Kestrels. My first spider was a little salticid which was hard to notice against the pale rock it was sitting on:
Further up the trail I found another jumping spider, also on a rock. He was a little shy, and he quickly bounced off the rock to hide under a plant. He hung from the plant upside-down for a while, making sure he could still observe the suspicious camera.
There was still some snow close to the top, where the billboards are located. I noticed a wolf spider next to a small patch of snow. Like jumping spiders, lycosids do not build webs to catch prey. Instead, they rely on their good eyesight to actively hunt.
On my way down the trail, not far from the Shoreline trail, I noticed a Phidippus johnsoni, a pretty jumping spider with metallic green chelicerae (these are the mouthparts). I always enjoy looking at spiders in this genus as they can get quite big and typically have these pretty iridescent chelicerae. Phidippus johnsoni has a bright red abdomen, hence its name "Redbacked Jumping Spider".
The little upside-down salticid is adorable. They are by far my favorite spiders. Very cool.